Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 14th

Hey everybody, more good days. Kirk has had some really good days. In the past two days he has been to 3 soccer games and an equipment sale. He doesn't get out of the car because it has been so cold but he does go. Today he ate a piece and a half of jelly toast and one egg this morning, drank an ensure before lunch, ate about 2/3 of a really big hamburger for lunch, had an ice cream cone about 1:30, a half of a peanut butter and banana sandwich at 3:30, a bowl of potatoe soup, a piece of homemade lightbread and some fruit for supper and a brownie and a glass of milk for a night- time snack. Not to shabby. Hopefully the weight he lost will come back pretty quick.

We see Dr. Swan and Monday and hopefully we will come up with a really good plan for treatments. Please keep Kirk in your prayers. We wouldn't be this far without God and our prayers being answered. Have a wonderful weekend. Love to all.

God Bless!

Kirk and Laura


Anonymous said...

Hey, Guys! It is good to hear good news again! I'm so glad that Kirk is able to get out of the house and go places. Several people have commented to me about seeing him out and I think that it thrills us as much as you! Keep up the good work eating, it sounds as though you add a little more each day. Look how far you have come just since you've been home, quite an accomplishment in such a short time. I hope that you're visit with Dr. Swan goes well and he can keep you here close to home. We Love You All and we still think of you and Pray for you every day.

Much Love,

The Cressell's

Tim Spraker said...

Dear Kirk and Laura,

We just wanted to let you know that we continue to follow your progress via this WONDERFUL blog. Taking charge of your health and treatment options is a very smart thing to do. It was very cool to see you at Matthew's soccer game; hope you can make the one against GW on Tuesday. Remember, God continues to answer our prayers for you. We love you.
Tammy, Timmy, Jacob, and Alli

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you guys at the kids' soccer game the other evening. It is also great to hear Kirk is getting his appetite back-- that is AWESOME!! We continue to think of you guys and pray that you get better every day!
Skipper, Steph, Kala, Will and Brooke Patton

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you at the sale yesterday. I'm so glad you are able to get out and enjoy things again. Keep on eating and getting stronger.
Hopefully your visit with Dr. Swan will go well and he can give you some
good encouraging news. You're in our prayers and thoughts each day.

Roger and Beverly Wynn

Melody said...

Hey, Ya'll. So glad to hear that you have had a couple of real good days and know that they will continue. Hope you visit with Dr. Swan goes well today and that he brings good news. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers each day. If there is anything you need or that we can do let us know.

Love to all,

Joe and Melody Matney

Anonymous said...

Just letting you know you all remain in my prayers daily. It is wonderful that things are going so well. Keep up the good work, and Praise God!

Anonymous said...

we both want you to know that you are still being prayed for every day. hope you are able to come to the fire house this Sat. so glad you are eating and going places.take care!!! love&prayers.rabbit&connie catron

Anonymous said...

Hi Kirk...It thrills me to pieces to read the variety of everything you're eating.All that you eat must taste so good after not having much to eat all these months. I think about you alot, especially at the kid's Youth League (soccer) games, or up at the school. You may not be there in body, but I can feel your spirit. Again, we give the glory to God for your continued improvement!! Donna Wilson

Anonymous said...

Good luck on Monday with the chemo treatment. We will be with you, praying that it is successful and that you are strong enough to accept the treatment.

Love you,
Foy, Monica, Allie and Savannah

Anonymous said...