Monday, October 22, 2007

October 22nd

Hello everyone, we are finally at home again. Kirk was released from the hospital yesterday. He is doing O.K. but he is still having to use the feeding tube. We have a home health nurse that is helping but for the most part I have to take care of most of the feeding part because he has to have it 24/7. He is eating as well but until he is getting the nutrition that they feel that he needs he will be on the feeding tube.

Next Monday he has an appointment with both his surgeon and Dr. Swan who he hasn't seen in almost a month so I'm sure they will want to do a full check-up.

Again thank you for all the cards the phone calls and prayers. It helps that he knows how much he is loved by all. Just pray that he continues to improve.

God Bless!
Kirk & Laura


Anonymous said...

Laura, thank you so much for keeping us abreast of Kirk's progress. My prayers, and those of many, many others, continue daily. God be with you and your wonderful family. You truly inspire us all!

God's peace go with you.

Anonymous said...

Kirk and Laura...We are still keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the fight.....Bob and Nancy

Anonymous said...


When you get a chance please update all of us about Kirk. Hope all is well and that he is doing good. Take care of yourselves.